Banma Duoji, better known as "The Prince," traces his humble beginnings back to Chengdu, China, where he was brought up in a single-parent household. Financial constraints led to Banma's enrolment in an unconventional orphanage due to his family's inability to afford his local school's nominal fee. This unique establishment catered to underprivileged children by providing them with mixed martial arts training.
Although initially a timid child, Banma found self-assurance and purpose through the discipline of fighting. This newfound direction paved his way towards professional MMA, an arena where he demonstrated considerable prowess prior to his association with ONE Championship in 2021.
Boasting a commendable record of 13-1, Banma made his first appearance against former ONE Strawweight World Champion Dejdamrong Sor Amnuaysirichoke at the event of ONE: BATTLEGROUND III. Yet, the worldwide martial arts scene presented a distinctive challenge, culminating in "The Prince" being overpowered in the second round.
With his inaugural ONE Championship fight behind him, Banma is determined to display his true mettle. He is eager to dispel the notion of his previous defeat being anything more than a fluke and is looking forward to demonstrating the skills that fueled his 12 finishes.
Known as "The Prince" Duoji Banma's nickname reflects his larger-than-life persona in the fight world.
Weighing in at approximately 145 pounds, Duoji Banma's weight aligns with his competitive category in the fighting world.
Boasting a reach of 72 inches, Duoji Banma employs this attribute strategically during his matches.