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Cage Fury Fighting Championships

location USA New Jersey, United States

Frequently Asked Questions About Cage Fury Fighting Championships

  • Who is the owner of Cage Fury Fighting Championships (CFFC)?

    Cage Fury Fighting Championships (CFFC) is owned by Robert Haydak Jr.

  • Who serves as the president and CEO of Cage Fury Fighting Championships (CFFC)?

    Brad Boulton is the president, and Robert Haydak Jr. is the CEO of Cage Fury Fighting Championships (CFFC).

  • How many rounds are there in a Cage Fury Fighting Championships (CFFC) bout?

    Cage Fury Fighting Championships (CFFC) bouts consist of three rounds for non-title fights and five rounds for championship bouts.

  • How much does a Cage Fury Fighting Championships (CFFC) fighter make?

    Cage Fury Fighting Championships (CFFC) fighters have the opportunity to earn from ticket sales and fight compensation. They receive twenty percent (20%) of the tickets they sell and additional compensation for their bouts. Earnings vary based on factors such as experience, ranking, and individual contracts.

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