Takeaki Kinoshita, also known as "Karate," is a highly skilled MMA fighter who has made a significant impact in the world of martial arts. With Kyokushin Karate as his foundational style since the age of 5, Kinoshita has dedicated himself to continuous improvement and strives to enhance his skills even further.
In 2015, Kinoshita showcased his remarkable talent by achieving second place in the KWU World Championships in the 80kg weight class. This accomplishment solidified his reputation as a formidable competitor and further motivated him to pursue greatness in the world of MMA.
During his junior high school years, Kinoshita had the opportunity to witness the training sessions of renowned MMA fighters and boxers, including the likes of Takanori Gomi. Inspired by their dedication and passion, he became even more determined to embark on his own MMA journey.
Known as "Karate" Takeaki Kinoshita's nickname reflects his larger-than-life persona in the fight world.
Weighing in at approximately 145 pounds, Takeaki Kinoshita's weight aligns with his competitive category in the fighting world.