Formerly known for his mischievous childhood, Wei Xie, a contract winner of ONE Hero Series China, underwent a transformative journey when he discovered the renowned Shaolin Temple online. At the tender age of 14, Xie relocated to the Temple, immersing himself in four years of disciplined training under the watchful eyes of the Shaolin warrior monks. Not only did he master their teachings, but he also ascended to the role of a coach. Following this enriching experience, Xie relocated to Qingdao to fulfil his ambition of becoming a professional mixed martial artist.
Embracing his fresh training surroundings, Xie's skillset flourished, earning him a champion's title in a local Chinese promotion. This undefeated kickboxing pro with a clean slate of 5-0 grabbed the attention of ONE Championship. Before long, Xie started participating in both the ONE Hero Series and ONE Warrior Series. His talent and tenacity were evident in his impressive streak of five consecutive knockout victories, ultimately earning him the coveted contract to showcase his skills on the world stage.
Xie, known for his striking prowess, attributes most of his victories to his knockout power. His expertise in boxing techniques and the clinch's elbow strikes make him a formidable opponent. After his undeniable domination leading him to the ONE Championship Circle, Xie takes pride in reaching this global stage. He eagerly anticipates making waves by matching skills with the world's top-tier martial artists.
Known as "The Hunter" Wei Xie's nickname reflects his larger-than-life persona in the fight world.
Weighing in at approximately 145 pounds, Wei Xie's weight aligns with his competitive category in the fighting world.
Boasting a reach of 67 inches, Wei Xie employs this attribute strategically during his matches.